Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Steady Glow

It was 2pm and I was at my desk. My cell phone vibrated alerting me of a call. It was Dr. Mike's office telling me they had just learned that I needed a Cardiac Clearance before my surgery. Needless to say, My surgery at this point is less than 4 days away.

My emotions ran wild. I was so pissed off that I cried. You see, I was supposed to be leaving on Thursday evening to go to Charleston to Folly Beach to meet some girl friends for an annual retreat. This was my second year attending this and I was more than looking forward to the trip.

My first appointment was with the Cardiologist at 8:30 Friday morning. Needless to say I didn't see him until 10:00. I immediately ask him why I was there and he indicated that the blip on my EKG indicated I had had a prior heart attack. I was speechless. I began prepping for a stress test. I ask the doctor if I had to run on the tread mill, because if I could run, I wouldn't be having weight loss surgery.

The IV was the most painful I had ever had. First, the nurse couldn't find the vein, so he chose to put he IV almost on the side of my arm. I couldn't bend my arm. I knew I would be victim to a great bruise, but luckily I wasn't.

They injected me with a radioactive agent that would make my heart glow. They took photos. I walked uphill on the treadmill until my heart rate was raised until the doctor was satisfied. Then I was off for more pictures of my now glowing heart. I imagined I now looked something like a lightening bug with a steady glow. This of course was just under their camera.

After all the picture taking, I took an Echo Cardiogram. That was an ultrasound of my heart. That was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. I have to rank it up there with the ultrasound of a baby.

Needless to say it is now 2:00pm. I almost a day late getting to the beach and I am now waiting on the doctor to give me my result.

I AM FINE. I did receive a note from Dr. Clark stating that I am cleared for surgery from a cardiac standpoint.

I am now 1 day preop. I am wondering what I would like to eat for dinner. I can't think of a thing I really want. Maybe a chocolate sundae.

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